Pace G, Gutiérrez-Cánovas C, Henriques R, Carvalho-Santos C, Cássio F, Pascoal C (2022) Remote sensing indicators to assess riparian vegetation and river ecosystem health. – submitted (under review)
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Fenoy E, Pradhan A, Pascoal C, Rubio-Ríos J; Batista D, Moyano-López F; Cássio F, Casas JJ. (2021) Warming may lead to a reduced functional but not taxonomic diversity of fungal assemblages on decomposing leaf-litter in streams. Global Change Biology 28: 115-127
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Duarte S, Antunes B, Trabulo J, Sahadevan S, Cássio F, Pascoal C. (2019) Intraspecific diversity affects stress response and the ecological performance of a cosmopolitan aquatic fungus. Fungal Ecology 41: 218-223
Granados V, Gutierrez-Canovas C; Arias-Real R, Obrador B, Harjungd A, Butturinia A (2020) The interruption of longitudinal hydrological connectivity causes delayed responses in dissolved organic matter. Science of the Total Environment 713- 136619
Mora-Gómez J, Boix D, Duarte S, Cássio F, Pascoal C, Elosegi A, Romaní AM (2020) Legacy of Summer Drought on Autumnal Leaf Litter Processing in a Temporary Mediterranean Stream. Ecosystems 23: 989–1003
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Múrria C, Iturrarte G, Gutiérrez‐Cánovas C (2020) A trait space at an overarching scale yields more conclusive macroecological patterns of functional diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29:1729-1742
Pascoal C, Fernandes I, Seena S, Danger M, Ferreira V, Cássio F (2021) Linking microbial decomposer diversity to plant litter decomposition and associated processes in streams. In: The Ecology of Plant Litter Decomposition in Stream Ecosystems. Swan CS, Boyero L, Canhoto C (Eds) Springer